Physical Characteristics

– Robust, muscular physique – Gleaming golden coat – Males: 23-24 inches (height), 65-75      pounds (weight) – Females: 21.5-22.5 inches (height),                55-75 pounds (weight) – Lifespan: 10-12 years

– Robust, muscular physique – Gleaming golden coat – Males: 23-24 inches (height), 65-75      pounds (weight) – Females: 21.5-22.5 inches (height),                55-75 pounds (weight) – Lifespan: 10-12 years

– Bred in late 19th century by Sir Dudley Marjoribanks – Created for hunting and retrieving game birds – Officially recognized in 1911 by The Kennel Club of England – Popular in North America for hunting and companionship – Commonly used as service dogs

Historical Background


– Friendly, gentle, and intelligent – Loves to play, especially with kids – Gets along well with other pets and           strangers – Eager to please, making them great for       obedience training

Training Your  Golden Retriever

– Start training when they're puppies – Use consistent commands and positive       rewards – Encourage good behaviour with treats,       praise, or playtime – Socialize them with various people,                animals, and places – Be patient; training takes time and effort

– Set a routine – Use positive rewards for successful potty breaks – Supervise and confine your puppy to reduce accidents – Watch for signals of needing to go outside – Clean accidents thoroughly

Potty Training

– Brush weekly to remove loose hair – Bathe every 2-3 months or as          needed – Trim nails every 4-6 weeks – Clean ears weekly with a dog-      specific solution – Brush teeth daily with dog-specific      toothbrush and toothpaste


– Higher risk of cancer – Hip and elbow dysplasia – Eye conditions       (cataracts, PRA, glaucoma) – Skin allergies – Ear infections

Common Health Problems


– Average: 10-12 years – With proper care, some live beyond 16 years

Average Weight

– Females: 55-75 pounds – Males: 65-75 pounds

Exploring The Golden Retriever Dog Breed: The Heart of Gold